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IPBAC 2019 Madrid

3rd Annual Iberian Peninsula Business Aviation Conference (IPBAC) -

Thursday 14th of November 2019, Madrid, Spain.

The Iberian Peninsula’s countries enjoy what is possibly ideal geographical location, economic, market and infrastructure conditions to position themselves as the next large business aviation hub in Europe, with a global projection.

What can European business aviation businesses, industry, investors, governments, and regulators learn from the best practices in other large hubs in Europe, the U.S. and the rest of the world?

What are the opportunities for business aviation in Spain, Portugal and Andorra? What are the contextual, strategic and tactical challenges? What can we do now to ensure unprecedented growth to see the Iberian based fleet grow many times fold in the next decade?

The territory’s countries; Spain, Portugal, Andorra and the British colony of Gibraltar, have experienced invigorated growth since our conference last year. Several professional working groups have been formed, and in general the talk-on-the-runways points at further and greater business aviation developments, opportunities and profitable growth.

Nevertheless, dynamic political, economic, regulatory and environmental challenges remain. The incumbent jurisdictions could improve and enhance their induction incentives to help international business aviation industry players grow.

We will focus on the roles of technology, financing and maturing of the business aviation supply and demand in Europe, and the trends and tendencies coming from the United States, and other state of the art emerging venues such as the Middle East and Asia, including India.

For more information and registration:

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